Web Service and Layer Naming Conventions
The AASG State Geothermal Data project provides OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium, opengeospatial.org/standards) compliant WMS and WFS services per the specifications outlined by the USGIN (see the USGIN site for more detials). AASG adopted the requirements and recommendations of USGIN for networking, data sharing, and enhanced interoperability. Such recommondations include naming conventions; the following outlines AASG-adopted naming conventions which require a specific format for naming Web Services and the Layers that contain the data within that service.
ISO 19139 service metadata record srv:DCPList codelist confusion
It appears that the GeoNetwork WMS harvest selects an incorrect codeListValue for a service metadata record's srv:DCPList (Distributed Computing Platform). Currently, it enters HTTP-GET and HTTP-POST. However, there is a bit of confusion within GeoNetwork and among standards and profiles. Specifically, one could interpret a conflict between DCP in a service's GetCapabilities (OGC) and a service's metadata record (ISO):