ESRI Geoportal

ESRI's Geoportal Metadata Web Application

ESRI Geoportal

ESRI's Geoportal is an open-source metadata catalog system capable of providing an OGC CSW Service. Due to its good documentation and relatively easy workflow for handling custom metadata profiles, USGIN has adopted Geoportal as its primary catalog system.

Geoportal Project Setup and Workflow

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Modifying the Geoportal source code for the USGIN project is a team based effort.  Managing a project like this requires each user/programmer having the right tools and using the appropriate workflow so that one programmer does not overwrite another programmer's work.  This document describes project workspace setup and project workflow.


ESRI Geoportal Metadata Record Editor Default Map Zoom/Extent

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The USGIN's implementation of ESRI's Geoportal has a metadata record editor.  The editor is used when adding a new metadata record to the applications database or updating an existing record.  A section of the metadata editor has a map that can be used to zoom into an location and draw a box around that location that becomes the spatial extent of the metadata record.  The default zoom level of the map shows all or most of the world's continents.  The default zoom can be changed by editing the gpt.js javascript file which is found in the www/catalog/js/v1 folder inside Geoportal's root source code folder.  To change the default zoom:

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