GeoServer FeatureType Configuration

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Document Information
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This XML document tells GeoServer to treat a datastore as a featuretype -- that is, provide it as a featuretype that can be requested via WFS.

For the most part, this document contains information that will be conveyed in your WFS's GetCapabilities document. Modify titles, abstracts and bounding boxes appropriately.

You do have to make sure that you're pointing at the right namespace and datastore by putting the correct ID's (these are the internal GeoServer ID strings) in under the namespace and store nodes.








      <title>... TITLE ...</title>

      <abstract>... ABSTRACT ...</abstract>












            <entry key="kml.regionateFeatureLimit">10</entry>

            <entry key="indexingEnabled">false</entry>

            <entry key="cachingEnabled">false</entry>


      <store class="dataStore">






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