Geospatial data and metadata protocols, services, standards, and profiles
The beginnings of a list of geospatially enabled data and metadata protocols, services, standards, and profiles we are getting exposed to. Please, comment with corrections and additions.
- protocol
"A set of rules which is used by computers to communicate with each other across a network." -
A collection of messages a clients and servers send back and forth to aid the exchange of data.
A protocol may be a service of an other protocol. For example, HTTP is build on the TCP protocol which is again build on the IP protocol. All of which are also standards.- In this case: HTTP, SOAP, FTP, URN
- service
"Distinct part of the functionality that is provided by an entity through
interfaces" ISO 19119 definition
Defines a collection of operations. The definition of an interface - like an API.
Services such as CSW may bind to several protocols such as HTTP and SOAP.- Such as: CSW, WCS, WFS, WMS, OAI-PMH
- interface
"Named set of operations that characterize the behavior of an entity." ISO 19119 definition - operation
"Specification of a transformation or query that an object may be called to
execute. It has a name and a list of parameters." ISO 19119 definition - standard
"A standard is a product that ships in volume" attributed to Bill Gates
The implementation of a content model. There are conceptual, logical, and physical data/content models. - profile
The adoption and modification of an other standard.- conformant profile - narrows the original standard's specifications
- extended profile - expands the original standard's specifications
- service implementation
The application manifestation or platform for a service such as GeoNetwork and deegree for CSW and GeoServer and MapServer for WMS. Could be a Web Service.
Acronym |
Type |
Name |
Comments |
HTTP | ||||
SOAP | ||||
Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting | A protocol and a service? | |
Acronym |
Type |
Name |
Comments |
CSW | OGC | Catalogue Service for the Web | A metadata service which supports ISO 19139, Dublin Core, and rbRIM, etc. metadata standards. Supports metadata harvesting protocols for distributed metadata repositories. | |
WMS | OGC | Web Map Service | A simple service to return images of maps or spatial data | |
OGC | Web Feature Service | A powerful service that can return vector data and or attribute data for spatial information. WFS can be configured to return GML, GeoSciML, KML, Shape Files, metadata, etc. | |
WCS | OGC | Web Coverage Service | A relative immature service to exchange array data such as DEM, aerial, and satellite images | |
WPS | OGC | Web Processing Service | This "interface standard provides rules for standardizing how inputs and outputs (requests and responses) for geospatial processing services, such as polygon overlay." | |
Standards and Profiles
Acronym |
Type |
Name |
Comments |
ISO 19139 | metadata standard / logical data model | Geographic information -- Metadata -- XML schema implementation | Implementation of the ISO 19115 & ISO 19119 standards (conceptual data model) | |
ISO 19115 | metadata definition / conceptual data model | Geographic information -- Metadata | covers metadata for "dataset" records | |
ISO 19119 | metadata definition / conceptual data model | Geographic information -- Services | expands on ISO 19115 to cover metadata for "service" records (WMS, WFS, WCS, etc. services) | |
Dublin Core | metadata standard | the librarian's metadata standard; only captures minimum bounding rectangle; defined by ISO 15836 | | |
ebRIM | metadata standard | metadata standard of the Open Archive Initiative | ||
GML | data standard | Geography Markup Language | good for vector data | |
GeoSciML | data standard | A GML application language. Supports complex features | | |
INSPIRE | metadata profile | Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe | INSPIRE's implementation of ISO 19115 and ISO 19119 | |
FGDC | metadata standard | Federal Geographic Data Committee | Federal metadata standard. Might be moving towards ISO standards | |
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