Geoportal on an Amazon Virtual Machine

PostgreSQL Trigger - make harvested/uploaded metadata records editable in Geoportal

By default, metadata records that are harvested into the Geoportal are not editable. This includes any records in the Geoportal that were not created explicitly with interface provided by the web application ("Use dedicated editor to create metadata manually"). The SQL below creates a database trigger that allows harvested records to be edited.

Be aware that there is the potential for a lossy data translation when you do this. The harvested record is completely rewritten using the schema definitions that your Geoportal implements. If the original harvested record has any data that is not included in your schema implementation, that data will be lost after the original is edited. Another way to put that is, if you edit a harvested record, the edited version will only contain information that you see in the editor interface. If the original started with anything else in it, that will be lost.

Using jQuery for basic ISO Metadata record form validation

ESRI's Geoportal metadata record editing has some validity checking, but error checking does not occur until after a metadata record form is submitted.  This can be a wasteful process because it involves having the client (the web browser) send a full request to the application server.  If the submitted form has data validity errors then the whole form is transmitted back to the client for editing.  One way to save the use of server resources (e.g., bandwidth) is by using jQuery to monitor information typed in html input boxes and check value validity before submitting the form.  Since, ESRI's Geoportal comes with jQuery already enabled it is relatively to add validity checks.  The first thing to do is create a custom javascript file (e.g. [geoportal_install_dir]/web/geoportal/catalog/js/custom.js).  The contents of my script are:



Install Apache Directory Server

ESRI's Geoportal wants an LDAP server, and suggests using Apache Directory Server.

I started a new VM using the image usgin2-atpms. Installation was as easy as:

sudo dpkg -i /home/ubuntu/apacheds-1.5.7-i386.deb

It was easy to connect to via SSH Tunnel to port 10389. The next step would be to fix some issues with the instance and its data-store, remove the extra MySQL installation, and then move on to configuration of the PostgreSQL database.

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