provide the platform, tools, and resources for a geoscience cyberinfrastructure barn raising

About USGIN Lab

A partnership of the Association of American State Geologists (AASG - state geological surveys) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) formally agreed in 2007 to develop a national geoscience information framework that is distributed, interoperable, uses open source standards and common protocols, respects and acknowledges data ownership, fosters communities of practice to grow, and develops new web services and clients. The AASG and USGS have formed an interagency Steering Committee to pursue design and implementation of the U.S. Geoscience Information Network (USGIN).

Organizations & Projects - USGIN parent organizations, funders, partners, projects, and giants we are building on

Standards - International technical standards on geospatial data, metadata, protocols, and web services

Exactly what?
Profiles - Specifications for USGIN specific profile implementations of above standards
Applications - Software applications that may support above standards and profiles

Making it real!
Implementations - Implement profiles and software applications together to create data, metadata, and web services
Community - Discussions and work groups on USGIN profile and implementation development

USGIN System Overview

USGIn system overview diagram

Latest additions and changes
URI Redirection Engine (with pictures!) | 10 years 41 weeks ago
» Here are a few screenshots to give a taste of what it is like to use our new Django app to manage a set of URI redirections:Administration Overview:For any URI-Scheme: Basically, the Django app...
USGIN URI Management | 10 years 41 weeks ago
» This web-application intends to make it easy to create, update and manage an online registry of URIs that conform to the USGIN URI Scheme. The application provides resolution of the URIs to web-...
Redirection Engine for USGIN-Compliant URI Resolution | 10 years 41 weeks ago
» A common problem we run into is the unique identification of resources. This is a very broad statement because it represents a very broad problem. We have identification schemes for all kinds of...
URI dereferencing with Django / HTTP Content Negotiation | 10 years 42 weeks ago
» I've been building a Django app that essentially allows for the dereferencing of URIs that follow the USGIN Scheme. The engine also does some content-negotiation by reading HTTP GET accept-headers...
Django Setup | 10 years 42 weeks ago
» IntroductionI'm relatively new to Django, and maybe to servers in general, but setting up Django is a chore. Or at least figuring out how to set it up is. There is no installer. You have to have a...
Installing/Using Git Version/Revision/Source Control System on local network | 10 years 43 weeks ago
» Installing/Using Git Version/Revision/Source Control System on local network: You can install the Git Windows portable 7z autounzip file and add environment variable for gitdir and add your gitdir...
ESRI CSW Client Installation and USGIN Catalog Profile | 10 years 44 weeks ago
» ESRI Provides a CSW client that plugs into ArcMap.  The client can be used to browse and query ESRI Geoportal servers.  The spatial data query results can be displayed in ArcMap if the...
More Documentation on ESRI Geoportal, ArcMap CSW Client and USGIN | 10 years 45 weeks ago
» Here is more documentation on how ESRI's GeoPortal, ESRI's ArcMap CSW Client, and the Arizona Geological Survey's USGIN Geoportal implementation work.
OGC Catalog service for the web (CSW 2.0.2) | 10 years 45 weeks ago
» The OpenGIS® Catalogue Services Interface Standard (CAT) supports the ability to publish and search collections of descriptive information (metadata) about geospatial data, services and related...
CSW Client for ESRI ArcGIS Desktop and ArcExplorer | 10 years 45 weeks ago
» ESRI offers CSW clients for ArcGIS Desktop and ArcExplorer as part of their free Geoportal add-ons.This client allows you to search various CSW metadata catalogs for dataset and service (WMS, WFS)...
PostgreSQL Trigger - make harvested/uploaded metadata records editable in Geoportal | 10 years 45 weeks ago
» By default, metadata records that are harvested into the Geoportal are not editable. This includes any records in the Geoportal that were not created explicitly with interface provided by the web...
Using Django for USGIN | 10 years 45 weeks ago
» Thought and ideas about using Django to accomplish USGIN-related... things.
Django | 10 years 45 weeks ago
» Django is an open source web application framework, written in Pytho
USGIN | 10 years 47 weeks ago
» USGIN Related Applications
Usgin Draft Specifications For Geoscience Resource Metadata And Identifiers | 10 years 51 weeks ago
» Poster presented at Geological Society of America Meeting, Monday, Nov. 1, 2010 in Denver, Colorado. Overview of metadata recommendations, catalog system architecture, and proposed URI scheme.
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