provide the platform, tools, and resources for a geoscience cyberinfrastructure barn raising

About USGIN Lab

A partnership of the Association of American State Geologists (AASG - state geological surveys) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) formally agreed in 2007 to develop a national geoscience information framework that is distributed, interoperable, uses open source standards and common protocols, respects and acknowledges data ownership, fosters communities of practice to grow, and develops new web services and clients. The AASG and USGS have formed an interagency Steering Committee to pursue design and implementation of the U.S. Geoscience Information Network (USGIN).

Organizations & Projects - USGIN parent organizations, funders, partners, projects, and giants we are building on

Standards - International technical standards on geospatial data, metadata, protocols, and web services

Exactly what?
Profiles - Specifications for USGIN specific profile implementations of above standards
Applications - Software applications that may support above standards and profiles

Making it real!
Implementations - Implement profiles and software applications together to create data, metadata, and web services
Community - Discussions and work groups on USGIN profile and implementation development

USGIN System Overview

USGIn system overview diagram

Latest additions and changes
W3C Extensible Markup Language (XML) | 12 years 8 weeks ago
» Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a simple, very flexible text format derived from SGML (ISO 8879). Originally designed to meet the challenges of large-scale electronic publishing, XML is also...
GeoSciML Xml markup language | 12 years 8 weeks ago
» The GeoSciML application is a standards-based data format that provides a framework for application-neutral encoding of geoscience thematic data and related spatial data.
W3C SKOS | 12 years 8 weeks ago
» SKOS provides a standard way to represent knowledge organization systems using the Resource Description Framework (RDF). Encoding this information in RDF allows it to be passed between computer...
Arizona Geological Survey | 12 years 8 weeks ago
» Mission of the Arizona Geological Survey (AZGS) (For all AZGS Statutes click here)
North American Profile of ISO 19115:2003 - Geographic Information | 12 years 8 weeks ago
» The North American Profile of
U. S. Geological Survey | 12 years 8 weeks ago
» An unbiased, multi-disciplinary science organization that focuses on biology, geography, geology, geospatial information, and water; dedicated to the timely, relevant, and impartial study of the...
National Geologic Map Database Project | 12 years 8 weeks ago
» The National Geologic Map Database project (NGMDB) is intented to build a comprehensive reference tool and data management system for spatial geoscience information in paper and digital form. It...
GeoSciML--GML application for Geoscience information interoperability | 12 years 8 weeks ago
» The GeoSciML application is a standards-based data format that provides a framework for application-neutral encoding of geoscience thematic data and related spatial data.
Projects | 12 years 8 weeks ago
» Projects home page.
Organizations | 12 years 8 weeks ago
» Organizations home page.
Discussion of Vocabulary service requirements | 12 years 8 weeks ago
» Knowledge is encoded in language. Concepts are represented by words in human language, and by tokens (bits!) in computer systems. These tokens are only meaningful as far as they can be correlated...
Geography Markup Language | 12 years 8 weeks ago
» The OpenGIS® Geography Markup Language Encoding Standard (GML) is an XML grammar for expressing geographical features. GML serves as a modeling language for geographic systems as well as an open...
Resource types for USGIN metadata services | 12 years 8 weeks ago
Ruminations on XML and large datasets | 12 years 8 weeks ago
» While working on thoroughly understanding CSW & metadata related OGC and ISO standards, I can not but start questioning XML and its use to carry and format data. After all, USGIN's goal is not...
List of interesting metadata implementation recommendations and profiles | 12 years 8 weeks ago
» Following is a list of some metadata implementation recommendations and profiles I am looking at.
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