provide the platform, tools, and resources for a geoscience cyberinfrastructure barn raising

About USGIN Lab

A partnership of the Association of American State Geologists (AASG - state geological surveys) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) formally agreed in 2007 to develop a national geoscience information framework that is distributed, interoperable, uses open source standards and common protocols, respects and acknowledges data ownership, fosters communities of practice to grow, and develops new web services and clients. The AASG and USGS have formed an interagency Steering Committee to pursue design and implementation of the U.S. Geoscience Information Network (USGIN).

Organizations & Projects - USGIN parent organizations, funders, partners, projects, and giants we are building on

Standards - International technical standards on geospatial data, metadata, protocols, and web services

Exactly what?
Profiles - Specifications for USGIN specific profile implementations of above standards
Applications - Software applications that may support above standards and profiles

Making it real!
Implementations - Implement profiles and software applications together to create data, metadata, and web services
Community - Discussions and work groups on USGIN profile and implementation development

USGIN System Overview

USGIn system overview diagram

Latest additions and changes
Conceptual model for general purpose resource metadata | 9 years 7 weeks ago
» I have built a UML model (using Enterprise Architect 7.5 tool) of metadata content that is based on ISO19115/19119, but attempts to clean up some of the logical incoherence and inscrutable element...
Web Service and Layer Naming Conventions | 9 years 8 weeks ago
» The AASG State Geothermal Data project provides OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium, compliant WMS and WFS services per the specifications outlined by the USGIN (see the...
Validating your WFS and WMS services | 9 years 8 weeks ago
» After a web service has been deployed, testing must be done to ensure that the service will work in the system, that is, be interoperable and available to end users. This group post will discuss...
Best Practices for USGIN Web Service Hosting | 9 years 8 weeks ago
» This blog is designed to encompass technical questions and troubleshooting for deploying and hosting USGIN services, particularly related to the AASG State Geothermal Data Project. Topics covered...
Creating WFS / WMS capabilites using ArcGIS service publishing wizard | 9 years 10 weeks ago
» When deploying a web service using ArcGIS publishing service, there are a few specifics that need to be considered when constructing the WFS and WMS Capabilites in the ArcGIS deployment wizard. This...
ArcGIS-generated fields and AASG content model fields order and type | 9 years 11 weeks ago
» When deploying your service using ArcMap products, two fields are automatically generated. These are the OBJECTID and SHAPE fields. The XML schemas ( that are...
Updated URI Redirection Engine | 9 years 23 weeks ago
» I've made a new version of the URI redirection engine that runs in Django (see the original post here). The tool allows you to provide a list of URI patterns that identify specific resources, and...
Presentation for European Geosciences Union meeting, 2012-04-25 | 9 years 26 weeks ago
» Slides for talk at EGU, Vienna, April 2012, presented by SM Richard.
Presentation for NGDS Kickoff meeting 2009-11-03 | 9 years 26 weeks ago
» A rather large power point stack, for a one hour presenation on USGIN web services and their use for the National Geothermal Data System. Presented at the kick off meeting in Boise, ID, November 3,...
Vocabulary Service Deployment using SISSvoc | 9 years 27 weeks ago
»  Pre-installation: $sudo apt-get install tomcat6 $sudo apt-get install apache2 $sudo apt-get update   Install Sesame Server and Workbench: Download the openRDF Sesame SDK: http://...
USGIN WMS profile for integrated geologic map Web Map Services | 9 years 30 weeks ago
» The key to interoperable map services is the ability to portray adjacent maps using the same symbolization scheme such that when the maps are displayed, the visual discontinuity at the boundary is...
Deployment of geologic map services using GeoSciML-Portrayal | 9 years 30 weeks ago
» Tutorial/cookbook document with guidance for deploying OGC Web Map and Web Feature services using GeoSciML-portrayal XML and CGI vocabulary URIs to enable geologic map services with harmonized...
THREDDS server | 9 years 30 weeks ago
» THREDDS server is a Tomcat Servlet that uses a file based data store to expose grid/raster multidimensional data in NetCDF  through OpenDAP or WCS
GeoSciML-portrayal | 9 years 30 weeks ago
» GeoSciML-portrayal is a simplified view of GeoSciML (Geoscience Markup Language, see Richard and CGI Interoperability Working Group, 2007[1]), which is a specialized XML markup language designed for...
Troubleshooting Web Service Deployment - Blog | 9 years 30 weeks ago
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