Data Interchange Document XML Schema Validation
Validation of XML data interchange documents with normative schemas using free, open-source software (XML Explorer)
One of the objectives of the US Geoscience Information Network (USGIN) is to establish a community of practice for developing, documenting, adopting, and using standard document encoding for data interchange. The technology for encoding schemes is evolving continuously, and current practice is to use XML encoding with data schema defined by XML schema.
Validation is a software process to verify that a given XML document conforms to some XML schema document. It is easier to write reliable software utilizing XML interchange formats if the schema for the XML documents that are being used is known, and the instance documents being processed validate against that schema. This document provides basic information regarding the protocols and software requirements for schema validation.
What is schema validation?
An XML schema is a kind of XML document that uses XML syntax to define the structure of other XML documents, which will be referred to as XML instance documents. The basic schema definition consists of a collection of elements (analogous to entities, objects or tables in other data modeling paradigms), each of which has a set of properties. Each property has an associated data type (which might be another XML element), and cardinality that specifies how many instances of a property may be associated with the containing element. Schema validation is the process of determining if the elements and properties in an XML instance document conform to the definitions in a schema document. Schema validation provides a layer of quality control and assurance for XML data interchange documents. Conformance to a schema greatly facilitates writing reliable software that will utilize information contained in the interchange documents.
What is a web service?
A web service is a web accessible resource that offers some collection of operations invoked using a documented protocol (see the USGIN glossary entry describing web services). This protocol specifies syntax for requesting each operation, including definition of what input parameters are required, what changes will be effected on the server by the operation, and what kind of output will be returned to the client that invokes the operation. An important part of this protocol is the message format used to encode information sent to the server in a request, and to encode information returned by the server. In our example cases here, the message format of particular interest is the XML encoding used to transmit requested data back to the client computer. By using standardized requests and responses, client software can make requests for data regardless of server configuration. The service defines an interface a client uses to interact with a server; this interface decouples the client and server, allowing the two systems to develop independently without having to re-engineer their interaction.
This tutorial focuses on XML data interchange documents that are returned by Open Geospatial Consortium web feature services (WFS), which are currently used by USGIN and the State Geothermal Data project for data exchange.
Where can I find NGDS schemas?
NGDS XML schemas can be found at:
Schema Validation
What you need:
1. A computer with an Internet connection
2. A web service that will return XML instance documents to validate
. XML schema documents to which the instance is intended to conform. Schema for XML documents are usually stored using the .xsd file extension. AASG schemas are located at
4. A software package that does XML schema validation. This document provides instructions for schema validation using XML Explorer (available at:
5. Basic understanding of XML syntax, namespaces and data types.
Accessing the appropriate schema
Your first step is to inspect the root element in an xml document obtained from the service you are testing. Since we are using OGC WFS as the basis for this tutorial, this root element will be wfs:FeatureCollection. The root element will have a collection of attributes that define namespaces for xml elementsThe next step in the schema validation process will be to download the schema against which you will validate your web service.
1. In your web browser navigate to
2. Click the appropriate schema
a. The appropriate schema will usually correspond to the type of features in your web service
i. For example: if your web service is an AASG service for WellHeaders, then you will use the AASG WellHeader schema to validate the web service
3. After the schema appears in your web browser, click the File menu in your web browser and click Save Page As…
a. Note that some modern web browsers hide the menu bar by default; you might need to press the Alt key on your keyboard to temporarily reveal the menu bar
4. Save the schema to a directory on your computer you intend to use for schema validation
a. XML schema documents use the .xsd file extension
Performing a GetFeature Request
To validate your web service against the schema you just downloaded, you will need to submit a GetFeature request to your desired web service. To perform a GetFeature request, simply enter your GetFeature request into a web browser in the same manner as you would a standard URL.
A getFeature request is a WFS request – that is, a request for data from a web feature service (WFS). A GetFeature request returns an XML representation of the attributes of features in the web service.
large web services can have tens of thousands of features, so an unfiltered GetFeature
request can be very demanding in terms of bandwidth and system resources. When
entering GetFeature requests into a web browser, it is possible to filter the
results of the request by appending conditions to the GetFeature request (add a &maxFeature=### to the end of the URL).
GetFeature requests and XML Documents
A GetFeature request will return an XML representation of the attributes of features in the web service. This indicates the following:
· A GetFeature request returns an XML document
· The XML document provided in response to a GetFeature request is a representation of features
· A feature in a web service is a cartographic representation of a real-world object
· Features are described by attributes
· Attributes include data such as latitude and longitude coordinates and any other information relevant to a feature
For example: a web feature service might contain fifty features representing river systems in the United States. The attributes describing each feature might include the latitude and longitude coordinates of each river system, as well as information such as flow rates, seasonal volume, and depth at the river’s deepest point.
An XML representation of the above example would list each feature in the web service, as well as associated attributes, within the structure of an XML document.
A GetFeature request submitted to the web feature service in the above example would return the XML document described above.
For more information about XML, visit the following locations on the USGIN website:
· Element
A sample GetFeature Request
The following is a sample GetFeature request:
If entered into a web browser, this request
will return an XML document representing all Wellheader features in the web service (Figure 1).
Breaking down a GetFeature request
A GetFeature request can be broken down into two component parts: the service endpoint, and the request proper. These are demonstrated in the example below:
In this example, the red text constitutes the service endpoint; the green text constitutes the request.
The service endpoint is the web location that handles the service request ( This is followed by the directory and folder containing the Web Feature Service ( WFS) (/aasggeothermal/CAWellHeaders) The service endpoint can be further subdivided into individual tokens, each of which can vary according to web service. A full explanation of the tokens in the service endpoint is beyond the scope of this document.
The request includes the desired operation and a collection of parameters that control the operation; some parameters are optional and others are required. In the above example, the feature requested is “Wellheader.”
Downloading the results of your GetFeature request
Having made a GetFeature request in your web browser, your next step is to download the XML response (hereafter referred to as the GetFeature document) to your computer and prepare to validate it. To prepare your GetFeature document for validation, you will need to modify it slightly after you download it.
1. Having performed a GetFeature request in your web browser, navigate to the File menu in your web browser and click Save Page As…
a. This will save the GetFeature document to your computer as an XML document
b. XML documents use the .xml file extension
c. Note that some modern web browsers hide the menu bar by default; you might need to press the Alt key on your keyboard to reveal the menu bar
2. Save the GetFeature document to the same directory on your computer to which you downloaded the schema in Section 2.2
3. In Windows, navigate to the directory in which you just downloaded the GetFeature document
4. Open the GetFeature document you just downloaded in a text editor such as Notepad or Wordpad
a. This can typically be accomplished by right-clicking the document and clicking Open With… in the context menu that appears
b. Note that some text editors are easier to use for viewing XML documents than others – Notepad, for example, contains no features to make XML documents more human-readable. Consider trying different text editors to find the most optimal combination for viewing XML documents. Recommended text editors include:
i. WordPad: basic text editor included with Windows
ii. Notepad++: an actively maintained free-and-open-source text editor designed with XML support
Near the very top of the GetFeature document, highlight the service URL (Figure 2)
6. Replace the service URL with the exact name of the schema you just downloaded, complete with file extension (Figure 3).

XML Schema Validation with XML Explorer

Having downloaded your schema document and your GetFeature document, and having prepared your GetFeature document for validation, open the GetFeature document in XML Explorer.
1. Open XML Explorer
2. Click the File menu and click Open
3. Navigate to and open your GetFeature document
4. Click the Errors tab (Figure 4)
If the web service validates successfully against the designated schema, no
errors should appear and your web service is valid
If errors appear, you will need to fix them within the web service itself.
For questions on this process or other options for xml validation, please feel free to contact Celia Coleman at
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