GeoSciML WFS Architecture

Interoperable OGC Web Feature Services based on the GeoSciML Schema require specification of numerous aspects of the network architecture to enable clients to interact successfully with any profile-based server. A 'global' GeoSciML WFS architecture profile will be inherited as the framework for more specific GeoSciML feature services like Fault, GeolgoicUnit, MappedFeature, GeologicMap package, and others that may be developed. This profile is thus viewed as a parent profile to these other more specific profiles.

GeoServer FeatureType Configuration

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This XML document tells GeoServer to treat a datastore as a featuretype -- that is, provide it as a featuretype that can be requested via WFS.

For the most part, this document contains information that will be conveyed in your WFS's GetCapabilities document. Modify titles, abstracts and bounding boxes appropriately.

You do have to make sure that you're pointing at the right namespace and datastore by putting the correct ID's (these are the internal GeoServer ID strings) in under the namespace and store nodes.

A Sample GeoServer Mapping file for NCGMP09 to GeoSciML

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This is a snippet from a GeoServer/App-schema mapping file. The type mapping section is where you indicate what fields in your source data go into which fields in your output data. This particular set of AttributeMappings should take polygons from an NCGMP09 dataset and output gsml:MappedFeatures.

Two caveats: First, the Join represented in the gsml:specification element will not work without the appropriate gsml:GeologicUnit featuretype also being implemented. Second, I'm not sure yet how to implement the gsml:metadata field, so that's commented out.

GeoServer DataStore Configuration for Complex Features

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Implementation Type: 

This XML file configures a directory as a DataStore in GeoServer. Instead of containing explicitly the information GeoServer needs to make a connection to actual data, it invokes the app-schema extension and forwards us on to a "mapping file", described elsewhere.

The id element contains GeoServer's internal identifier for this datastore

The name element contains the human-readable name of the datastore

The workspace element contains a reference to the id of the workspace to which this datastore belongs

the connectionParameters element contains three important entries:


entry key="namespace": The URI of the namespace appropriate for this datastore

entry key="url": File path to the mapping file for this datastore. Path is relative to the geoserver\data directory

entry key="dbtype": Must read "app-schema" in order to initialize the app-schema extension



GeoServer GeoSciML WFS

Implementation Type: 

By default, Geoserver's WFS server is capable of conveying only simple features. Basically, a simple feature has some number of attributes, and each attribute has a value. Think of it like a flat table, where each row represents a feature, and each column is one of the feature's attributes.

GeoSciML WFS architecture

Interoperable OGC Web Feature Services based on the GeoSciML Schema require specification of numerous aspects of the network architecture to enable clients to interact successfully with any profile-based server.

A 'global' GeoSciML WFS architecture profile will be inherited as the framework for more specific GeoSciML feature services like Fault, GeolgoicUnit, MappedFeature, GeologicMap package, and others that may be developed.  This profile is thus viewed as a parent profile to these other more specific profiles.

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