Service Deployment Using ArcGIS Server for WMS/WFS services
If you are deploying a OneGeology WMS, please visit: for more detailed requirements. For AASG naming conventions, please visit this link
Implementation of a Content Process “lax” function Element for AASG Schemas
Discussion of using the “lax” function in Schema Documents
We’ve recently changed how we are structuring our XSD schemas by adding a “lax” process function element at the end of the sequence. The ‘lax’ function, or ‘any Element’ function, can be specified by the author of the schema document, and enables additional elements not specified by the schema to be included.
Data Interchange Document XML Schema Validation
Validation of XML data interchange documents with normative schemas using free, open-source software (XML Explorer)
One of the objectives of the US Geoscience Information Network (USGIN) is to establish a community of practice for developing, documenting, adopting, and using standard document encoding for data interchange. The technology for encoding schemes is evolving continuously, and current practice is to use XML encoding with data schema defined by XML schema.