
Creating a Document Repository in Drupal

We just finished putting together a Drupal based Document Repository site ( as a testbed and as an alternative for other Repository systems such as DSpace. The goal was to fulfilled the following requirements in a ca. 2 week development period (200+ man hours):

OGC Schema Issues in Relation to CSW

In order to create metadata for both static datasets and dynamic, online services and for use with CSW, the OGC created an xml schema that merges the schema for ISO19115 (dataset metadata) and ISO19119 (service metadata) (see secion D.1.5, page 105 in OGC 07-045). The way that was accomplished was by creating a schema located at The contents of that schema are quite simple -- it looks like this:

Metadata interest group

group for general posting on metadata content, standards, tools

general forum for questions, comments, discussion about metadata

CSW metadata editors we are exploring

Now that we know what kind of CSW services we can pull off, we need to pay more attention to creating and maintaining metadata. Right now, I just do a bunch of ETLs from our in-house data repositories (ArcSDE, Access, Excel, etc.) to CSW Insert Transaction XML files. That method is not user friendly and editing individual metadata records are a pain.

So, here are some CSW metadata editors I am looking at:

List of interesting metadata implementation recommendations and profiles

Following is a list of some metadata implementation recommendations and profiles I am looking at.

Geospatial data and metadata protocols, services, standards, and profiles

The beginnings of a list of geospatially enabled data and metadata protocols, services, standards, and profiles we are getting exposed to. Please, comment with corrections and additions.

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