
XSLT to Transform WMS GetCapabilities response to CSW Insert transaction XML

Tested with deegree-csw 2.3pre
Read the XSLT file for more information.

Attached is an example XSLT1 script to transform a WMS GetCapabilities 1.1.1 response to a CSW Insert transaction. The script is based on deegree's wms2iso19119.xsl (
Note that currently it only supports WMS version 1.1.1 (<WMT_MS_Capabilities>) responses because it chokes on 1.3.0 (<WMS_Capabilities>) responses.

Configuring deegree-csw

This is a list of our configuration changes too deegree-csw - specifically version 2.3-pre (missing link) with an PostgreSQL backend.

Follow instructions in deegree's documentation

See deegree_csw_2.0.2_documentation_en.pdf. Make sure the document is in a version corresponding to your version of deegree-csw (in this case "deegree Web Catalogue Service v.2.2").

ETL Debug Blog

A group blog on implementing and debugging Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) efforts.

Post to this group blog about your Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) efforts.

Getting Started

I'm starting the process of implementing a WFS that delivers GeoSciML data. I intend to make Group Posts here detailing what I'm trying, what works, what doesn't, in the hopes that it wil both help me keep track of what I've done, and also be of use to someone else attempting to do something similar. If I find things that are of particular use, I'll end up making more formal walkthroughs. I'm coming at this without having much background in open-source software, OGC services or XML, so I'll have a lot to learn.

Building a GeoSciML WFS Server

Development, testing and implementation of a WFS service that returns GeoSciML documents

I want to help make the process of building a GeoSciML WFS server easier. I'll be collecting links to relevant information, cookbooks, walkthroughs, etc. Hopefully this will chronicle my process of going from knowing practically nothing about how to implement a service to making one work.

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