
Configuring degree CSW 2.x

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This is a list of our configuration changes too deegree-csw - specifically version 2.3-pre (Compile deegree from SVN) with an PostgreSQL backend.

Follow instructions in deegree's documentation

See deegree_csw_2.0.2_documentation_en.pdf. Make sure the document is in a version corresponding to your version of deegree-csw (in this case "deegree Web Catalogue Service v.2.2"). The latest documentation can be found in degree's SVN repository.

As a minimum, you will have to configure the database connection parameters in deegree-csw\WEB-INF\conf\csw\featuretypes\csw.xsd.
If you want any other computers besides localhost to access deegree-csw, you will have to replace it with an IP address or domain name in deegree-csw\WEB-INF\conf\csw\csw_capabilities.xml and wfs_capabilities.xml.

Compile deegree from SVN

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These are CSW-centric notes on compiling deegree — a Java-based spatial data services engine ( — JAR and WAR files from their Subversion (SVN) code repository  in the Eclipse (Galileo - Java EE Developer version 3.5 Integrated Development Environment (

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deegree is a Java Framework offering the main building blocks for Spatial Data Infrastructures. Its entire architecture is developed using standards of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and ISO/TC 211 (ISO Technical Committee 211 -- Geographic Information/Geomatics).

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