AZGS Guidelines for Building an ESRI Map Service

Document Information
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There are a large number of options and configurations to consider when producing an ESRI Map Service. This Implementation document outlines the procedure used by the AZGS to generate a Map Service that can be either dynamic or cached, can also be used as the source of a WMS, and provides as much metadata as can be provided in the ESRI Map Service format. An example of an AZGS Map Service is provided below.


Getting Started: Build a Geodatabase

At the AZGS, the first step in the creation of an ESRI Map Service is to select and export the data we wish to provide from the repository, or wherever it is currently housed. Fortunately, for our most popular map-publication series (Digital Geologic Maps, Digital Information Series and Digital Map Series), this export will have already been done for the purposes of the publication. We export and distribute our geographic datasets in NCGMP09 format, which provides us with a standard schema and starting point. Here are a list of points to consider when building your backend dataset:



Getting Started: Keeping Data Organized

We develop data and ArcMap documents on our LAN before moving them over to our web server, which is separated for security reasons. In order to keep our data and projects standardized, please follow these guidelines for locating and organizing the files that you use to build a service:

folder  template