Drupal Content Types used in the USGIN Document Repository

Following are the two Drupal 6 content types that define the USGIN Document Repository (you may want to familiarize yourself with general Drupal concepts):

Collection (ct_collection)

The Collection content type acts as an arbitrary logical unit (or container) that groups the Document-like Information Object (DLIO) nodes which hold the actual data resource. At this time, Collections fulfill 3 objectives at once. Perhaps, they need to be separated at a later point.

  1. Used to internally organize DLIOs into access groups for "Curators" (content providers and managers) as part of the work flow.
  2. Used for branding (organization names, logos, icons) and shared metadata (resource contact information) of DLIOs that belong to a collection.
  3. Allow for arbitrary bins (some sort of category) for browsing or searching for DLIOs. Think of it as special collections in a library or museum context. Hence, we called collection managers "curators."

Following are the main fields we are currently using in Collections. The field groups are used in conjunction with the Vertical Tabs module and, at this time, affects the Conditional Fields module.

Document-like Information Object (ct_dlio)

The Document-like Information Object (DLIO - coined by FAO's AgriDrupal) content type is a digital resource object that contains a bundle of digital files and/or links to human-consumable online-resources (not services for machines). This convenient hybrid object contains both metadata and data; and, it allows us to avoid the nighmare of having to create separate metadata entries for ech individual file or link in bundled resources. For example, one DLIO node may include multiple representations (Access DB, Shapefile, GeoTIFF, word report, etc.) for the same information object. To keep it simple, repository users are just dealing with "submissions" and we avoid complicating things with the DLIO concept.

Following are the main fields we are currently using in DLIOs. The field groups are used in conjunction with the Vertical Tabs module and, at this time, affects the Conditional Fields module.