provide the platform, tools, and resources for a geoscience cyberinfrastructure barn raising

About USGIN Lab

A partnership of the Association of American State Geologists (AASG - state geological surveys) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) formally agreed in 2007 to develop a national geoscience information framework that is distributed, interoperable, uses open source standards and common protocols, respects and acknowledges data ownership, fosters communities of practice to grow, and develops new web services and clients. The AASG and USGS have formed an interagency Steering Committee to pursue design and implementation of the U.S. Geoscience Information Network (USGIN).

Organizations & Projects - USGIN parent organizations, funders, partners, projects, and giants we are building on

Standards - International technical standards on geospatial data, metadata, protocols, and web services

Exactly what?
Profiles - Specifications for USGIN specific profile implementations of above standards
Applications - Software applications that may support above standards and profiles

Making it real!
Implementations - Implement profiles and software applications together to create data, metadata, and web services
Community - Discussions and work groups on USGIN profile and implementation development

USGIN System Overview

USGIn system overview diagram

Latest additions and changes
Machine actionable links-- metadata, linked data, contexts... | 3 years 19 weeks ago
» 2018-06-25 Note: for the current version of this white paper,  see 
Discussion of Use of CI_Online Resource | 7 years 37 weeks ago
» The CI_OnlineResource element is used in a variety of contexts in ISO19115 content. This complex-content-element provides a linkage to some online resource related to the metadata or the described...
Lucene search syntax | 7 years 39 weeks ago
» Useful guide to search term syntax for any applicaiton that's hitting a lucene index
Help! My GeoServer Doesn’t Like My App-Schema! | 7 years 46 weeks ago
»  Help! My GeoServer Doesn’t Like My App-Schema! An in depth look at a GeoServer 2.2 workspace that utilizes the app-schema extension<*> I don't like how this blog post turned out! You can...
USGIN products | 8 years 4 weeks ago
» This page provides an overview of products generated or in development by the USGIN project. These include specifications developed by the network community to describe data interchange formats,...
Convert File GDB to PostGIS Database | 8 years 14 weeks ago
» HowTo:File GDB Feature to PostGIS DatabaseThe goal of this post is to get our data from a File GDB to a format that GeoServer can use, specifically a PostGIS GDB. If we try and use a shapefile, the...
Geoserver App-Schema Set-Up: In Progress | 8 years 21 weeks ago
» One hurdle to using Geoserver to deploy AASG Geothermal Data services is the resolution of schemas. Creating additonal configuration files for Geoserver allows the use of "app-schemas" which will...
Using WFS with MANY features in ArcGIS | 8 years 26 weeks ago
» If you're using a WFS in ArcMap,  it downloads and indexes ALL the data from the service. If you're connecting to a service that has ALOT of data (>?150,000 features), my experience is that...
A Very Useful Conversation | 8 years 34 weeks ago
» I've been in the midst of a daily back-and-forth email discussion with the app-schema developers on the GeoServer-Users mailing list. Reading through the conversation may be helpful, as they've...
Hub Disaster Recovery | 8 years 39 weeks ago
Service Deployment Using ArcGIS Server for WMS/WFS services | 8 years 40 weeks ago
» Once you have your data in the appropriate format, and the required fields populated, the next step is to create a service for the data.  When it comes to AASG or OneGeology services, there...
Data Interchange Document XML Schema Validation | 8 years 41 weeks ago
» Validation of XML data interchange documents with normative schemas using free, open-source software (XML Explorer) One of the objectives of the US Geoscience Information Network (USGIN) is to...
How to Create a Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) using Arc2Earth | 8 years 41 weeks ago
» If you decide to use GeoServer to deploy your Web Services, you will find that part of the process includes creating an SLD or Styled Layer Descriptor for portrayal of the data you intend to...
Implementation of a Content Process “lax” function Element for AASG Schemas | 8 years 41 weeks ago
» Discussion of using the “lax” function in Schema Documents We’ve recently changed how we are structuring our XSD schemas by adding a “lax” process function element at the end of the sequence. ...
The 3rd version of CSW Client application | 9 years 5 weeks ago
» This version includes our new state geothermal data catalog in the search list. Overall, the following four catalogs are available for search in this appication:USGIN Catalog: http://catalog....
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